Leelou Blogs -->

Monday, January 3, 2011


After losing 170 lbs. you would think that my brain would have adjusted to the changes in my body. I know that movement and stamina have changed but that is about as far as it goes.

The reason this has come up again, yesterday went to Wal Mart to do some shopping and while there notice they had some warm pjs on sale. I was able to purchase a pair off the rack that fit. Two years ago would never had been able to do something so simple. Had to go to a speciality store to purchase anything in my size and would have to be forced to go for the fear that they wouldn't have anything in my size. Needless to say it still boggles my mind that now I can go anywhere and buy clothes that fit me.

We recently went to a wedding of some dear friends. While dressing for the wedding the black pants I want to wear were too big. Mike gave me one of his belts to wear with the jeans. Well I never thought I would be able to wear one of his belts, but it fit. If you know my husband you know he isn't a big guy and for his belt to fit around my waist is crazy. Learn something new about myself every day and can't wait to see what is next in the new year.

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