After visiting with the doctor last week I found out that I have lost a total of 71lbs. Someone suggested that I have almost lost a OCU dancer they only weight 90lbs. Not sure that sounds any better than a large child.
It has by no means been an easy journey probably the hardest thing I have every done. Still trying to figure out the whole eating thing. Never had a problem before as you can tell but now so hard. Eating slow is not something that I have ever dealt with or worried about. Now ever meal is an event. Something that has to be thought out and planned and not any fun at all but they tell me that it will get easier. I can’t wait one of the only major problems that I have left. Walking is so easy now and I can walk so much further than in forever. So much fun. Never thought I would say that in this lifetime.
So I have another bladder infection and went to the doctor. On their scales I have lost another 4lbs. So that makes a total of 75. Not posting that one yet waiting until I go back to the weight doctor and weigh in for that announcement. So that is a total of 4 infections since I started this program. So now I have to see an Urologist. Again how lucky can you get. Question how do you get a bladder infection when all you drink is water? Just another one of the mysteries of my life.
Where would we be with out humor in a river of tears? So took pictures for the six week update. Can you see 71lbs of difference?